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Archive for 2011

Mom Punches Pedophile After Soliciting Her Daughter

Posted by Sandra On August - 12 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


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https://electroseleccio.cat/o6eh1peocw DES MOINES, Iowa — Police said a 48-year-old man has been charged with trying to lure a 13-year-old girl into a Des Moines alley. Polk County jail records indicate that Robert Harding, of Des Moines, is being held on two charges: enticing a minor under 16 and a parole violation.

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/yxq3hm4hk READ MORE HERE:



Man Charged In Beating Death of 18-MO Indicted in Second Beating

Posted by Sandra On August - 12 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/pamcrljwd9p Juan Carlos Aguilar, 25. (Santa Ana Police Department)

https://www.suitupmaine.org/pr8qkgzjtn9 SANTA ANA– A Santa Ana man charged in the beating death of an 18-month-old girl has been indicted on new child abuse charges dating back to 2009. Juan Carlos Aguilar, 25, has been indicted on one felony count of murder, one felony count of assault on child with force likely to produce great bodily injury resulting in death, and two felony counts of child abuse.

https://www.daathize.com.br/mxbpv0m http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-santa-ana-toddler-squeezed-to-death,0,7150804.story

San Antonio Child Sex Trafficking Exposed

Posted by Sandra On August - 12 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
SAN ANTONIO — A University investigation uncovers a dark reality in San Antonio: domestic child sex trafficking.  Experts say it’s happening all around us, behind closed doors.  A group of UTSA students in the Department of Social Work just finished a 10 week investigation.  They found there’s a huge at-risk population for minor sex trafficking in San Antonio, and the number of victims is largely underreported.

Dissociation & Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On August - 11 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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https://www.beecavebee.com/rwkmnbp0s Child predators know dissociation. Most of the world does not. Shouldn’t we be learning so we can effectively attack organized pedophilia and help survivors to heal? What you don’t know about dissociation hurts our children, re-victimizes adult survivors of long-term childhood abuse, and greatly hinders our ability as a society to get at the core of organized pedophilia to stop it.

https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/giml9zla This blog is a gateway to information regarding dissociative disorders, with emphasis on DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder. It is a topic that tends to cause fear and confusion in society because of media sensationalism and well-funded propaganda. Why would there be propaganda about a person who has amnesia for long-term childhood abuse (and sometimes beyond childhood)? Because pedophiles, or those who otherwise intentionally harm children physically, sexually, and/or emotionally, don’t want you to believe victims of their crimes.
READ MORE HERE: http://knowdissociation.blogspot.com/

Violent Child Killer Sentenced To 50-Years

Posted by Sandra On August - 11 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

13-MO Toddler Suffered Over 47 Injuries At Time Of Death

https://www.polefinistere.com/zcxjv7m Okay, first off I just want to say that this is one of those stories that will first make you angry, and by the time you have finished reading it you will be disgusted to no end. It might even make you cry.

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/x1tdq8o Christopher Thomas was 13-months-old when he died at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin on November 11, 2008, only a day after sustaining yet another beating from his aunt and foster caregiver, Crystal Keith, now 25. But the issues that led to the infant’s untimely and violent death began months earlier and ultimately involved the torture of his 2-year-old baby sister. Both children, it turned out, were taken from their biological mother’s home in March 2008 by caseworkers from the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare and placed in Keith’s home.


https://olashirt.com/1jrdywtk http://blogs.discovery.com/bizarre/2009/07/crystal-keith-sentenced-to-50-years-for-beating-death-of-christopher-thomas.html

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When Children Kill: Top 10 Evil Children

Posted by Sandra On August - 11 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/lw5hbicnr From time to time the unthinkable happens: children kill. Some decide to murder members of their own family in spite of their seemingly normal upbringing. Others do so because their upbringing was far from normal – often including beatings and abuse. Then there are misguided children who, from the sheer desire to kill, go on murder sprees ending the lives of purely innocent victims. Children are supposed to be innocent and pure; without malice, contempt, sinister anger, or desires to kill, yet every year many commit horrific crimes. Here are Ten of the Most Evil Children in History, with number One exclusively dedicated to one foul group. The age limit for this list is 17 years.

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https://www.daathize.com.br/aufgseo8b3y READ MORE HERE:

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China Selling Dead Babies In Pills

Posted by Sandra On August - 11 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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https://calif-ilc.org/b85lqf8 Sick: China’s New Lucrative Business is Dead Babies Sold As Stamina Booster Pills

https://www.beecavebee.com/8i5tn7v A South Korean SBS TV documentary team accuses Chinese pharmaceutical companies of selling dead baby pills as stamina boosters. The team reveals that the truth behind the dead baby pill is horrific and disturbing. Chinese hospitals and abortion clinics that are connected to the business immediately notify pharmaceutical companies when a baby dies, mostly because of a still birth or an abortion.

https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/qc4hvy02u11 READ MORE HERE:


Sexual Victimization Statistics

Posted by Sandra On August - 10 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


Contrary to popular belief, sex-based crimes are among the most frequently committed offenses (we know this from the National Crime Victimization Surveys over time). However, because victims are often unable or unwilling to report such a crime (or even old enough to realize that a crime was committed against them), it remains one of the most UNDER-reported person to person crimes.

While new official statistical reports emerge each year, the numbers and percentages since 2001 haven’t changed much. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who compiles the annual Uniform Crime Report, and the statistical reports from the Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics:

    • The statistical victim of sexual assault is white, female, and under 18 years of age.
    • The typical offender is white, male, and over 18 years of age.
    • 1.8 rapes or sexual assaults are REPORTED by women for each 1,000 over age 12. (That’s about 248,000 per year.)
    • .3 rapes or sexual assaults are REPORTED by men for each 1,000 over age 12. (That’s about 32,000 per year.)



Hours of Torture, Years of Silence : My Soul Was the Scene of the Crime

Posted by Sandra On August - 10 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Hours of Torture, Years of Silence : My Soul Was the Scene of the Crime (Volume 1)

Hours of Torture, Years of Silence shares a victim’s strength and courage and how you can bring that to your own recovery. In this incredibly honest book you’re transported into the middle of a crime scene with a young girl in a home on a fog-shrouded street in San Francisco. An escape 14 hours later from a kidnapper’s house, began an incredible journey of recovery that will inspire and encourage you through your own recovery. That girl was me.


4 Indicted In 10-YO’s Death

Posted by Sandra On August - 10 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

4 Adult Relatives Indicted in Death of 10-YO Ame Deal

PHOENIX – Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery announced the indictment of four relatives of 10-year-old Ame Deal on Wednesday. Deal died after being locked inside a plastic storage box. Ame’s cousins, John Allen and Samantha Allen, both 23-years-old, are charged with first degree murder, conspiracy to commit child abuse and multiple counts of child abuse.



Age of Consent: BF or Pedophile?

Posted by Sandra On August - 10 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Romeo and Juliet Laws – What They Mean For Teens

You Say ‘Boyfriend’ – Some States Say ‘Child Molester’

Two-Year Difference = Ten-Year Sentence

The https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/m53bsjznme ages of consent in North America for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction. The age of consent in Canada is 16 and all US states set their limits between 16 and 18. The ages of consent in the countries of Central America range from 15 to 18. The age of consent in Mexico is complex. Typically, Mexican states have a “primary” age of consent (which may be as low as 12), and sexual conduct with persons below that age is always illegal. Sexual relations between adults and teenagers are left in a legal gray area: laws against adults “corrupting” minors may be used sometimes to punish such sexual encounters, as well as laws against engaging in sexual relations with “chaste and honest” teenage girls by means of “seduction”. These laws are situational and are subject to interpretation.

Below is a list of all jurisdictions in North America:


https://calif-ilc.org/80os7s5l READ MORE ABOUT “ROMEO & JULIET LAWS” HERE:


Registered Sex Offender Caught at Fair Dressed As Cookie Monster

Posted by Sandra On August - 10 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

James Lester Rogers – Sex Offender – Caught On Fair Grounds Dressed As Cookie Monster

Scott County, Iowa- James Lester Rogers, a 25-year-old registered sex offender was arrested again Friday when police found him dressed up in a Cookie Monster outfit talking to children.  According to the Smith County Sheriff’s Office, Rogers was handing out fliers and posing with children for pictures when police discovered him at the Mississippi Valley Fair dressed in a Cookie Monster costume.



Kletzky Murder Sparks Child Law Changes In Orthodox Jewish Community

Posted by Sandra On August - 10 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Leiby Kletzky

The brutal murder of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky has rocked the Orthodox Jewish community into finally acknowledging that it needs more oversight to protect its children. The fact that Leiby Kletzky was allegedly kidnapped, drugged, smothered, dismembered and killed by Levi Aron, a member of the Orthodox world, has forced the community to reevaluate just how effective its approach to child safeguarding is.



Firefighter Under Investigation for Child Abuse Commits Suicide

Posted by Sandra On August - 10 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Eatonville – A veteran firefighter in the US, who was being investigated for sexual abuse of children, committed suicide and left a note expressing a fear of going to prison. Scott Hamrick, of Eatonville, Washington was being investigated for physical, sexual and emotional abuse of young female relatives.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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