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Archive for 2011

Bethany Christian Services: ‘Project Return Home’

Posted by Sandra On August - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


Project brings families together again

As they sat at the kitchen table playing Monopoly, Bobbi McIntyre and her only daughter recalled various episodes from their tumultuous past: Revelations of child abuse, placement in foster homes, a middle-of-the-night altercation with their husband and father. Tears started to flow. “We cry together,” said Amy, 17. “That’s the best part of it.”



Michigan’s Unsolved Oakland County Child Killings Re-investigated

Posted by Sandra On August - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

SOUTHFIELD, MI – Proof that the grand jury investigation into the Oakland County Child Killer case is heating up. Today Child Killer Task Force detectives asked Action News for copies of old archive footage from the case. These homicides happened 35 years ago… and now Task Force detectives want to look through the old film footage that Channel 7 may have from the days of the original investigation. Film footage like this from the 1970s may hold clues to the killer – or killers – detectives are pursuing in the Oakland County Child Killer case.



Read more: http://www.wxyz.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/oakland-county-child-killer-task-force-requests-old-channel-7-film-footage#ixzz1VuPV4uBb

Baby Thrown From 4th Floor

Posted by Sandra On August - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Noe Medina, Jr.


ORANGE, CA — A mother accused of tossing her 7-month-old baby from the fourth story of a parking structure is behind bars as the child clings to life. Noe Medina, Jr. was found in extremely critical condition after falling from the fourth floor of the parking structure at Children’s Hospital in Orange around 6:20 p.m. Monday, according to Orange Police.



Mother Mourns Murdered Sons

Posted by Sandra On August - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

DALLAS — Five-year-old Naim never made it to his first day of school Monday. The kindergartner and his three-year-old brother, Elijah, were killed Monday morning. Their father, Naim Muhammad, 32, was being held on $2 million bond in Dallas County Jail on two counts of capital murder.



Sex Offenders: The Last Pariahs

Posted by Sandra On August - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

STARTING in the 1970s, lawmakers across the United States enacted punitive “lock ’em up” policies. The prison population more than quadrupled, and the United States became first in the world in both the total number of prisoners (about 2.3 million) and the rate of imprisonment (1 of every 100 adults is behind bars). Now, budget pressures, court orders and a recognition of the social costs of incarceration have prompted America to reconsider some of these draconian laws. Incarceration rates may be topping out.



Emaciated Girl Removed From Home

Posted by Sandra On August - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

MUKILTEO — A Mukilteo couple is under investigation for allegedly withholding food from a 10-year-old girl described by police as “extremely emaciated.” The girl was admitted to an Everett hospital Monday weighing 51 pounds — about two-thirds the weight of a healthy child her age. Doctors reported that she was suffering from “severe malnutrition.” She also had multiple bruises, abrasions and scars all over her body, according to court papers.



Couple Arrested on Suspicion of Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On August - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

test4Travis Darrah

A 4-year-old boy is in the care of Child Protective Services after police arrested his mother and her live-in boyfriend accused of abusing the child to the point his leg was broken. Police arrested Travis Darrah, 26, on suspicion of child abuse and Melissa Chambers, 22, on suspicion of hindering prosecution on Wednesday, ending a month-long investigation into the couple who initially told police that the boy fell off of his bunk bed.



Soccer Coach Charged With Molestation

Posted by Sandra On August - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Luiz Roberto Raymundo

CHULA VISTA, CA — A South Bay soccer coach accused of molesting a 16- year-old boy over a six-month period must stand trial on eight felony counts, a judge ruled Thursday. Prosecutors also presented evidence alleging a sexual assault against a second boy, but a misdemeanor sexual battery charge involving that minor was dismissed at the conclusion of a daylong preliminary hearing for Luiz Roberto Raymundo, said Deputy District Attorney Trisha Amador.




Newborn Found Alive in Shoebox

Posted by Sandra On August - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

ASTORIA, QUEENS —Police are searching for the mother who stuffed her newborn inside a shoebox and abandoned her outside a Queens home Friday morning. According to authorities, the baby girl was discovered wrapped in a purple towel some time after 7 a.m. outside a residence on 28th Street in the Astoria section.

60-Yr Sentence for Baby’s Death

Posted by Sandra On August - 19 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Michael Christopher Stoffa_20100427111817_JPG

A Newport News man has been sentenced to 60 years in prison for the death of a baby girl. Stoffa, 26, was charged with one count of murder in the commission of child abuse and two counts of felony child abuse. Investigators say Lillian Callender and Stoffa brought 17-month-old Angeli to Mary Immaculate Hospital in March 2010 suffering from what doctors believed was child abuse. The child was transported to Portsmouth Naval Medical Center where she died of her injuries three days later.



4-MO On Life Support With Skull Fracture, Babysitter Arrested

Posted by Sandra On August - 19 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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(REEDSBURG, WI)– The Reedsburg Police Department was notified of a pulseless, non-breathing infant on Thursday at 2:20am. The infant’s babysitter called police to the 100 block of N. Preston Avenue reporting the infant had stopped breathing. Reedsburg Paramedics responded and began CPR.



Man Charged With Abusing GF’s Son

Posted by Sandra On August - 19 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

A Fort Lauderdale man was arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse and causing great bodily harm against his girlfriend’s 11-year-old son. Robert Mack Jr. was arrested Thursday. Fort Lauderdale police say he grabbed the boy on Aug. 6 and intentionally threw him to the ground. The child underwent surgery at Broward General Medical Center for a dislocated and broken right elbow, which had two pins placed in the joint, according to a police report.

READ MORE HERE: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/fl-lauderdale-abuse-charge-20110819,0,945157.story

‘Hot Sauce Mom’ On Trial

Posted by Sandra On August - 19 - 2011 1 COMMENT

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Remember hot sauce mom, aka Anchorage mom Jessica Beagley? Jurors on Wednesday watched video of a woman squirting hot sauce in the mouth of her adopted son and then making him stand in a cold shower in a case that caused a public uproar in Russia after it aired on the “Dr. Phil” show. Jessica Beagley, of Anchorage, is charged with misdemeanor child abuse. Beagley’s lawyer said she was punishing the 7-year-old boy from Russia because he misbehaved in school and then lied about it.



Child Abuse Survivor Allowed to Return to Texas

Posted by Sandra On August - 19 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Victor Barahona, whose twin sister was killed after allegedly enduring years of horrific abuse, will return to Texas to live with an uncle who wants to adopt and raise him. On Friday morning, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Maria Sampedro-Iglesia signed an order returning the boy to Texas, where he spent most of the summer with his extended family. Victor told authorities he did not wish to live in Florida, but Sampedro-Iglesia ordered his return anyway, for a custody hearing requested by Miami prosecutors who will try his adoptive parents, Carmen and Jorge Barahona, for murder.


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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