Archive for 2011
Man Charged With Critically Injuring, Killing Child
Canada–October is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Advocates for children’s rights promote Child Abuse Prevention Month and claim that protecting children in Ontario is a community responsibility. It is clear to many Canadians that child protection and protection against child abuse starts at home. This is especially true when the statistics show that more than 47% of adult Ontarians have been exposed to or know someone who is the victim of child abuse and neglect.
Mother Accused of Capital Murder Pleads Guilty
An Arab woman accused of capital murder in the January 2008 death of her 1-year-old infant pleaded guilty Thursday to aggravated child abuse. Marshall County Circuit Judge Tim Jolley sentenced her to 20 years in prison, and she will be deported when she is released. Perla Edith Hernandez, 28, of Lowery Road has been in the Marshall County Jail since her arrest more than three years ago.
Babysitter Arrested for Child Abuse & Neglect
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – A babysitter in Clarksville was arrested after police said one of the children she was watching wandered off. Roberta Blue, 44, was charged with child abuse and neglect. Police said they were first called out to a home on Joshua Drive around 10:20 a.m. Sunday after a neighbor found a 7-year-old boy outside crying and upset stating that he was lost. Police learned the boy had been left in the care of a babysitter along with his siblings while his father was at work.
Woman Tried to Remove Woman’s Unborn Fetus, Killing Both
A Milwaukee woman is accused of killing a 23-year-old mother and removing her unborn from her womb. Unfortunately, both the mother and her child died. Maria Garcia says her best friend showed all the signs that she was pregnant. Even her daughter believed a baby was on the way. “She had a big belly for a while. Her belly was always big, and we would think she was going to have her baby,” she said.
Man Stabs Son Over Chores
VENTURA, CA — A Ventura man was arrested Sunday after stabbing his son with a sword, police said. Ventura Police received a call of a dispute around 12:30 p.m. Sunday in the 2500 block of Zuni Court. When officers arrived, they found 18-year-old Jose Gonzalez bleeding from a stab wound to the hand.
Woman’s Abuse Started Decades Ago
Lisa Hawkins’ abuse began decades before her boyfriend dangled her, head down, from the ninth floor balcony of a Myrtle Beach hotel. “You want out of this room so bad,” he growled at her, his large hands wrapped around her ankles. “You’re out of it now. What do you think of this?” Hawkins struggled, trying to free her legs and plummet.
HIV Pedophile Planned Rape

YORKSHIRE–A paedophile who knew he was HIV positive was involved in a depraved plot with another child sex offender to abuse a young boy, a court heard. Christopher Lee and Nigel Scott were jailed for a total of 12 years yesterday after a Leeds Crown Court judge heard of their “ghastly” offenses. Jailing HIV positive Lee, 39, for five years and Scott, 35, for seven years, Judge James Spencer QC said one incident involving the boy was “as bad a case as one can imagine.”
AZ Launches Child Safety Task Force
PHOENIX – After several child abuse related deaths and near deaths over the past six months, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is focusing on CPS and what needs to be done to assure children get the help they need. Authorities said dozens of child deaths and near deaths were caused by parents or guardians and, in several, CPS was already investigating.
State to Pay $4.6M in Child-Starvation Case
The girl is 17 now and no longer forced to sneak water from the toilet or suck condensation off windows. But she will require physical and emotional help for years. Three years after her father and stepmother were discovered to have starved and withheld so much water from the Carnation teenager that she wore a size 2 shoe and looked half her age, the state has agreed to pay the girl and her brother $4.6 million.
You Tube Video Leads to Child Abuse Arrest

ORLANDO, FL — Orlando police have arrested a man who posted a video on YouTube that shows him disciplining a 7-year-old boy. Devery Broox, 25, who was charged with child abuse, said he was disciplining the boy for acting up in school.
Child Rape Allegations At Child Daycare

RICHLAND — The Richland Police Department is investigating a child abuse incident that occurred at Kid’s World Daycare, in Richland. A child who attends the daycare disclosed to their parents that inappropriate physical contact by staff member Lucas Miller had occurred at the daycare. The parents notified Kid’s World on August 31, 2011. Mr. Miller was no longer employed with Kid’s World as of September 1, 2011. Kid’s World staff notified Child Protective Services, who then notified the Richland Police Department.
Sex abuse allegations at Richland daycare
21st Annual Child Abuse Investigation Conference
AMARILLO, TEXAS — The Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center hosted its 21st Annual Child Abuse Investigation Conference Friday and one of the goals was to help workers balance their work and personal lives. Dr. Kevin Gilmartin was present to give a refreshing speech about the importance of emotional health and family life to the case workers, law enforcement, nurses and others who dedicate their time to helping children who are victims of abuse.
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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.