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Archive for 2011

BOOK: “REPAIR Your Life: A Program for Recovery from Incest & Childhood Sexual Abuse”

Posted by Sandra On November - 1 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

REPAIR Your Life: A Program for Recovery from Incest & Childhood Sexual Abuse

Product Description R.E.P.A.I.R. is a Six-Stage Program for abuse survivors that will transform your life forever!

* Recognize and accept your adult problems stemming from childhood sexual abuse.
* Enter into a commitment to transform your life.
* Process your issues with tools and techniques that will enable you to become healthy.
* Awareness to discover reality as you gather and assemble the pieces of the broken puzzle your life became.
* Insight into the complete picture helps you begin to return to what you were prior to being sexually violated.
* Rhythm recovers the natural rhythm you had before the incest happened, the blueprint that is the essence of your true nature, becoming who you really are.



Missing 10-YO Girl’s Body Found

Posted by Sandra On November - 1 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Police Search for Missing 10 year-old Girl

Carrollton, Texas—The Dallas County Medical Examiner has positively identified the body of a child found in Carrollton as that of missing child Jasmen Gonzalez. The 10-year-old girl was visiting from Oklahoma City when she went missing from a relative’s home Saturday night. A two-block area in the Carrollton Heights neighborhood was blocked off Sunday afternoon after search teams found the body of a young girl.

Impact of Parental Drug Use

Posted by Sandra On November - 1 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

“My childhood was awful. There was abuse of every kind. When you live through that you see that alcoholism and drug addiction are progressive diseases,” said an anonymous Tam parent, whom we’ll call Amy. After growing up in a household plagued by alcoholism, Amy decided that when she had children of her own, she would take a different parenting approach on alcohol and drug abuse.



Woman Killed Entire Family for Life Insurance Money

Posted by Sandra On November - 1 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Columbia, S.C. – – Susan Hendricks, a 48-year-old South Carolina woman faces four counts of murder after she allegedly shot and killed her two sons, her ex-husband and her stepmother because she wanted to collect on their life insurance policies.

Woman Tried to Pimp Out Teen She Met At Occupy WallStreet

Posted by Sandra On November - 1 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Manchester, N.H.- – Justina Jensen, a 23-year-old New Hampshire woman was jailed after she allegedly pimped out a 16-year-old girl she met at an ‘Occupy New Hampshire’ demonstration. According to police, an investigation began after a mother reported that her teen daughter was missing and that her photograph had been posted on a website that advertised adult entertainment.

Babysitter Videotaped Herself Molesting 3-YO Boy

Posted by Sandra On November - 1 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

A 21-year-old Wanatah woman is charged with 13 felony counts on accusations of sexually abusing a 3-year-old boy in the bedroom of his Chesterton home where she was baby-sitting. Tara Tryon, of the 6900 block of Volk Road, is being held without bond at the Porter County Jail until her initial hearing Monday before Porter Superior Judge Bill Alexa.


BOOK: “Inside Scars: Incest Recovery As Told by a Survivor and Her Therapist”

Posted by Sandra On October - 31 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Inside Scars: Incest Recovery As Told by a Survivor and Her Therapist

It was my prayer in writing “Inside Scars” that this book might be like a hand reaching out to all those who dare to reclaim their life. I wanted to encourage others to heal. Recovery is possible. I want others to remember that in the midst of so much pain there is healing. To those supporting friends, family and clients going through this long scarry process, there is “light at the end of the tunnel”. “Inside Scars” shows that though the healing process can be difficult, it is also rewarding to those who dare to heal. I now live my life with a daily affirmations of, “I am not responsible for what has happened to me in the past but I take full control so that it doesn’t dictate my future”.



Sister Claims: Killer in Conn. Home Invasion Murder Sexually Abused Me

Posted by Sandra On October - 31 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

The sister of a man convicted of killing a woman and her two daughters in a gruesome home invasion told a jury Monday he sexually abused her as a child for years, but she said he wasn’t a violent person and wouldn’t intentionally kill.




Boy Scouts At Center of Scandal

Posted by Sandra On October - 31 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

5,000 child molesters: The US scout movement’s guilty secret

They call them the “perversion files”, and more than 5,000 alleged child molesters aren’t the only ones hoping to prevent their hitherto-secret contents ever seeing the light of day. Boy Scouts of America is at the centre of a growing legal crisis as it attempts to block publication of documents that name and shame the extraordinary number of adults expelled from the organisation amid accusations of sexual misconduct.



Incest-Rapist Dad Gets 44-Years

Posted by Sandra On October - 31 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Loudon County, TN—– A pedophile incest father was sentenced to 44 years in prison for raping his 2-year-old son while videotaping the abuse. Edward William Crandall, 24, is a single father, nickname “Eddy” on his MySpace. His handle is ProudDad87. Proud dad? You’re kidding me. This scum of society lived in a camper besides his grandparent’s home and had visitation rights with his son.



Thousands of Child Rape, Murder Reported by India In 2011

Posted by Sandra On October - 31 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

NEW DELHI – India experienced thousands of cases of violence, including rape and murder, against children last year, as 5,484 children were sexually assaulted and 1,408 others killed in different parts of the country, reported local daily The Times of India Monday. The report quoted the latest National Crime Records Bureau data as saying that 10,670 children were also kidnapped or abducted during the year.



FBI: Man Had 19,100 Child Porn Images and 1,060 Videos

Posted by Sandra On October - 31 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Stephen Foster

AN Adelaide man caught hoarding child pornography by US authorities has been jailed for three years. The District Court this morning ordered Stephen John Foster serve at least 18 months of that sentence before being eligible for parole. Foster, 63, of Ethelton, pleaded guilty to aggravated dissemination and possession of child pornography.



Vicious Sex Offender With Gruesome History Imprisoned

Posted by Sandra On October - 31 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
William Jameson (Pic: SWNS)
VICIOUS sex offender who raped a woman he knew after contacting her on Facebook has been jailed for life. William Jameson, 48, bound and gagged her and told her she was going to be his “sex slave” after luring her to a shed, a court heard. The 31-year-old victim, a civil servant, was unaware Jameson had a history of sexual violence including child rape, attempted murder and manslaughter.

Sex Offenders: Halloween’s Boogeymen

Posted by Sandra On October - 31 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
sex offender halloween
As costumed kiddies take to the streets tonight, thousands of sex offenders across the country will be forced to turn off their lights and refuse to answer the door. Some will be required to also post “no candy” signs and refrain from decorating their yards. Some counties round them up for a mandatory movie night or an evening in jail. In some areas with prohibitively strict residency requirements, police will be rounding up several hundred transient sex offenders.

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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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