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Missing 7-YO Girl’s Body Found

Posted by Sandra On December - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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https://juristas-ruidos.org/11epikl A brutally disfigured body discovered in a dumpster may be that of a 7-year-old girl who went missing at her family’s apartment complex in Canton, Ga., investigators told reporters today. “This is going to be a very, very horrendous crime. I am convinced of that after having observed the body,” Georgia Bureau of Investigation director Vernon Keenan said. “A child who dies under extreme violence is absolutely the worst thing that can happen to a human being.”  READ MORE HERE





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10-YO Girl Delivers Premature Baby

Posted by Sandra On December - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


Survives Life Threatening Complications To Give Birth To Son

Order Ambien From India What is going on in this cray, cray world? Babies having babies, Is that what it has come to? A 10-year-old Mexican girl has given birth to a baby boy after a 31-week pregnancy, according to reports. The premature infant, which weighed 3.3 pounds, was born by Caesarian section at the Women’s Hospital in the city of Puebla and is in the intensive care unit recovering from pneumonia. READ MORE HERE

Imlay City, Michigan: Murder-Suicide Involved Children

Posted by Sandra On December - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/dv8jhf9 Mother and father dead; one child wounded; two other children hid from danger

Get Clonazepam Delivered Fast A mother and father were killed Tuesday evening in an apparent murder and suicide in Imlay City. Michigan State Police investigators said the two adults were killed by gunshots.  It was not clear which adult killed the other and then committed suicide. A boy believed to be the son of the victims was shot and wounded and rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. There was no immediate word on his condition. READ MORE HERE

Man Posing as Modeling Agent Tries to Sexually Assault Girl

Posted by Sandra On December - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Police say Shota Mgeladze, 33, of Los Angeles, offered a modeling job to a teenage girl before trying to sexually assault her.

LOS ANGELES, CA — A man police say offered modeling careers to young girls in order to sexually assault them has been arrested, and authorities are now looking for more girls he may have approached. Police arrested Shota Mgeladze, 33, of Los Angeles, Nov. 29 in Santa Monica after he allegedly tried to sexually assault a teenage girl.


Baby Contracts STD After Sexually Abused by Couple

Posted by Sandra On December - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Ashley Stapert

Muncie, Ind.A Muncie woman was arrested Wednesday after police said she sexually assaulted a 6-month-old girl, which left the baby with a sexually transmitted disease.  Police said Ashley Stapert, 21, admitted she and her former boyfriend assaulted her friend’s daughter. According to the probable cause affidavit, Stapert told police she fondled and performed a sexual act on the baby.  READ MORE HERE

Couple Beat, Raped 1-Mo Baby

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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https://www.beecavebee.com/fo0v1rllig4 Police were last night trying to stop Facebook vigilantes causing civil unrest after a one-month-old baby boy was raped and battered so badly that his heart stopped. Messages on the social networking site revealed plans for a vigil near the home of the infant, who is thought to have suffered one of Britain’s worst cases of child abuse.

The baby’s horrific injuries were said to have included a broken arm, a broken collarbone, punctured lungs and severe bruising. It was said all of his ribs were fractured. There was reportedly also a sexual injury and internal wounds, suggesting rape. A man and a woman, from Gravesend, Kent, were arrested in connection with the incident. They have been released on police bail pending further inquiries.



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Man Charged With Raping Child

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
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Bath, N.Y. – A man from Bath is facing first degree rape charges for an incident in July. Twenty-six-year-old Eric Trumbull is accused of sexually abusing a 7-year-old girl who was under his care at the time of the incident.



Kentucky Releases Abuse Deaths

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

FRANKFORT — State data shows the number of children who have died as a result of abuse or neglect dropped from the previous fiscal year. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services released its annual child fatality and near-fatality report late Thursday, nearly three months after it was required to be sent to the legislature. Eighteen children died as a result of abuse or neglect in fiscal year 2011 — which covers July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. That’s down from 33 deaths the previous year. There were 29 deaths due to abuse or neglect in 2009 and 31 in 2008.


Protecting Your Child From People You Should Be Able to Trust

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

As allegations of child sex abuse continue to build against coaches at Penn State and Syracuse universities, parents are asking themselves: Who can you trust? Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky — who started the Second Mile, a charity for troubled children — faces multiple criminal charges of child sex abuse. Child molestation allegations were made against former Syracuse assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine, who was involved with the Boys Club and Make-a-Wish Foundation.




Man Arrested With Record Breaking Child Porn Collection

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

The children in the images range in age from 18 months to 17 years old.

ONTARIO, Calif. — A man is accused of possessing what prosecutors called one of the largest child pornography collections ever recovered. Michael Peterson, a 58-year-old pipefitter, was taken into custody at his home in Ontario on charges of possessing, receiving and distributing child pornography.




Male Abuse Awareness Week

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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https://olashirt.com/lnq8l5bei MALE ABUSE AWARENESS WEEK –

https://sapooni.com/t56c18md by Bill Murray
Its male abuse awareness week, and we’ll be centering our celebration of it on a https://www.suitupmaine.org/gmgufx96cnb LIVE ON Buy Ambien Cr Online Canada LOCATION broadcast from San Diego on Monday night (starts at a special time, 9pm EST, so 6pm PAC). The sold out event is a fundraiser for the host organization, the PLunaFoundation, where the primary interest is in helping young men ages 18 to 35 (Help4Guys.org). Donations collected are devoted to off-setting the cost of Internet-based counselling with therapists who interact with these men over SKYPE. Following the broadcast, I’ve been asked to appear as the Keynote speaker. I’m delighted to do this, and we look forward to future ON LOCATION shows and speaking engagements across the country.








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Father Arrested for 4-MO Death

Posted by Sandra On December - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Four-month-old Zaria McCall is shown in an undated image from Facebook.

One week after a four-month-old baby was rushed to hospital – but died hours later, her biological father, JULIAN OLIVER THOMSON,  has been charged with the infant’s death. Police have said they believe four-month-old Zaria McCall was inside her family home in Red Deer when she was injured, and one of her parents took her to Red Deer Regional Hospital.



Father Kills Child’s Rapist

Posted by Sandra On December - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
George Allen Loader allegedly believed an ex-con had molested his young daughter. He was arrested for killing and dismembering the as-yet-unnamed man

A father has been accused of killing and chopping up a man he suspected of molesting his daughter. George Loader is alleged to have scattered the dismembered body parts in the desert after first trying to dispose of them by burning them. Investigators found the victim’s head and limbs in separate bags which had dumped on a dirt road in rural Kingman in Arizona.


U.S. Child Murder Rate Soars

Posted by Sandra On December - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

A new statistical analysis report shows that despite a child-homicide rate in the United States which surpasses that of most other Western nations, firearms are near the bottom of the list of causes for the alarming statistics. According to a report drafted by Iain Murray, a senior research analyst at the Statistical Assessment Service, a Washington-based non-profit, non-partisan think tank, “in the rush to reduce America’s high juvenile homicide rates into a gun-control debate, we’re missing the chilling bigger picture of the real and deadly risks our children face, and what it says about our society.”


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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