Riley Choate, father of 13-year-old boy found buried in concrete, charged in son’s death
The father of a 13-year-old Indiana boy found buried in a shallow grave was charged in his son’s death Thursday after he admitted burying him there. Riley Choate told police he wrapped his son, Christian Choate, in a blanket, placed a Bible on him and buried him under concrete in a mobile park home in Gary, Ind., in April 2009, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Choate, 28, was charged with removal of a body from a death scene, failing to notify authorities of a death and failure to report a body to authorities.
**NOTICE** This family has contacted Dreamcatchers for Abused Children and is seeking assistance in obtaining help for Christina Choate (murder victim’s sister–now 17-years old) with much needed therapy, counseling, education(she has not been to school since the 7th grade) and legal representation. If you would like to help this family, please contact me at: dreamcatchersforabusedchildren@gmail.com