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Archive for February, 2011

Babysitter Convicted Of Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On February - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Gianna Cochran was convicted of five felony and seven misdemeanor counts of child endangering. Her attorney is Robert Sanders, left.

The video evidence against Gianna Cochran wasn’t always clear, but a Franklin County judge saw and heard enough to convince him that the baby sitter was abusing children in her home. Common Pleas Judge David E. Cain convicted Cochran yesterday of five felony and seven misdemeanor counts of child endangering, based on secretly recorded videos that appear to show her nearly suffocating children to stop them from crying.



FL Gruesome Child Abuse Scandal

Posted by Sandra On February - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Article - Goddard Child Abuse

Amid preparations for his sister’s funeral, the surviving victim of Florida’s gruesome abuse scandal is making a “miracle” recovery—even as his foster mom claims innocence.

Just 11 days ago, he was found ashen-faced, convulsing and drifting in and out of consciousness, his skin burned from the caustic chemical his father had poured over him. But in what one doctor described in court last night as “a miracle,” ten-year-old Victor Docter will leave the hospital tomorrow, marking the first good news to emerge in the ghastly child-abuse scandal rocking Florida.



Mom Assaulted Teen Son With Hammer

Posted by Sandra On February - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Carpenter Series 1

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office says 60-year-old Urania Lot was arrested in Stock Island Monday morning after she punched, bit and hammered her 18-year-old son for eating his sandwich in the living room. Lot and her granddaughter both told police that the man was rude and belligerent and refused to eat his snack in the dining room, despite Lot’s plea.



9-YO Passes Note To Bank Teller Asking For Help

Posted by Sandra On February - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Southfield, MI — A 9-year-old girl, worried that her mother was driving drunk during a trip to the bank, slipped a teller a note asking for help and refused to get back in the car. Latanya Renee Evans, 49, was arrested about 5:10 p.m. Friday after she left her daughter at the Bank of America in the 26000 block of W. 12 Mile. Evans was taken into custody about a quarter-mile away on Northwestern Highway on suspicion of drunken driving, Southfield Police Lt. Nick Loussia said.

READ MORE HERE—The Detroit News:

Mom Arrested After Daughter’s Plea For Help

Posted by Sandra On February - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. –  Authorities have charged a western New York woman with drunk driving after police say her 9-year-old daughter wrote a note pleading for help from passing motorists. Police in North Tonawanda say 38-year-old Bonnie Will of Tonawanda was intoxicated while driving her daughter and two other children, ages 8 and 12, when she suddenly stopped her car on a busy road Tuesday.


Man Arrested For Child Bondage/Beastiality Porn

Posted by Sandra On February - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Mesa, AZ–Child porn doesn’t get any nastier than this, little girls depicted in bondage and bestiality scenes, but that’s what floats the boat of a 60-year-old Mesa man recently arrested by police. Frank Morgan Foster has been charged with 10 felony counts of sexual exploitation of minors after child porn was traced to his home computer. During the interview, he admitting that he has been downloading child porn for the past 10 years, and his victims of choice are between the ages 5 to 8.



3 Adopted Kids Endured Horrific Abuse

Posted by Sandra On February - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Sonja and John Kluth

OKLAHOMA CITY — Three adopted children who allegedly suffered burns and were forced to eat pet food lived in “inhumane conditions” and might never fully recover, an Oklahoma sheriff said Thursday. “They have been raised worse than dogs,” Canadian County Sheriff Randall Edwards told CNN of the three malnourished juveniles, who are 9, 11 and 15.



Sexual Violence Resource Center

Posted by Sandra On February - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

6th National Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Training Conference

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center serves as the nation’s principle information and resource center regarding all aspects of sexual violence. It provides national leadership, consultation and technical assistance by generating and facilitating the development and flow of information on sexual violence intervention and prevention strategies. The NSVRC works to address the causes and impact of sexual violence through collaboration, prevention efforts and the distribution of resources.



Break The Abuse Cycle

Posted by Sandra On February - 24 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Over 3 million cases of child abuse and neglect were reported to child protective service (CPS) agencies in the United States in 2009. “Prevent Child Abuse – America” reports that currently about 47 out of every 1000 children are reported as victims of child maltreatment. Overall, the number of children who reported their abuse increased by 28% between 2008 and 2009. The mission of this website and discussion forum is to give survivors of abuse a place where they are able to break their silence, share their stories, and find help, understanding, resources, and compassion. It is also a place to share strength, hope and courage and to promote healing.



The Stop Abuse Campaign

Posted by Sandra On February - 24 - 2011 2 COMMENTS

Welcome to the Stop Abuse Campaign…

The Stop Abuse Campaign is a grassroots movement representing the rights of anyone sexually, physically or emotionally abused. Our mission is to stop abuse and alleviate the suffering of all those affected, including families, friends, businesses and communities.

We will do this by igniting conversations and inspiring people to believe that as individuals, organizations, churches, communities and as businesses, we can work together to stop the abuse that affects a staggering half of the population — men, women and children.



Survivor/Author, Keith Smith, To Appear On Dreamcatcher BlogTalk Radio with Host, Laurie Ann Smith

Posted by Sandra On February - 24 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Men in My Town

Keith Smith, Author, Advocate and Stranger Abduction Sexual Assault Survivor Discusses His Experience, His Book and Steps We Can Take to Keep Kids Safe.

Just click this link to Blog Talk Radio at 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 2 to listen or call in live. I’ll be discussing my experience as a Stranger Abduction Sexual Assault Survivor, my book Men in My Town plus “5 Things We Can Do to Keep Kids Safe.”

The story of the abduction, beating and rape of a teenage boy from Lincoln, Rhode Island, followed by the unsolved brutal murder of his assailant in Providence, is now a moving novel written by the man who survived this vicious attack.

Men in My Town by Keith Smith. Based on Actual Events.  Available now at Amazon.com in Paperback and Kindle.

Email the author at MenInMyTown@aol.com



StunGun Used As Discipline

Posted by Sandra On February - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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TAMPA, Fla. — Police say two people are accused of using a stun gun to discipline a 13-year-old boy. According to Tampa Police, 22-year-old Christopher Roosevelt Lewis says he bought the stun gun last week. Police arrested Lewis and 19-year-old Deonjhane “Amy” Menifield on child abuse charges.


Adoptive Parents Charged With Abuse, Neglect

Posted by Sandra On February - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

A Yukon man and woman are accused of beating, choking, whipping and burning their adopted children and feeding them pet food, court records show.  John Edward Kluth, 50, and Sonja Kay Kluth, 57, were charged Tuesday in Canadian County District Court with three counts each of child abuse and three counts each of child neglect. They were booked into the Canadian County jail and released on bail, a jail spokesman said. It is not clear if they have retained or been assigned an attorney.


4-YO Beaten To Death At Slumber Party

Posted by Sandra On February - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Jeremy McIntosh, 28, of the 200 block of East Midland Street was arrested after he admitted during questioning that he struck the child several times because she would not obey him and continued to cry wanting her mother and father, said police chief Danny Whiteley in a prepared release.





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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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