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Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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January 11 Kicks Off International Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Events in dozens of cities on January 11 will help launch a worldwide effort to raise awareness of the growing crime of human trafficking. President Obama and other world leaders have issued proclamations urging citizens to learn more about trafficking — the widely used term for the modern-day slave trade in which millions of people are ensnared in some form of coerced labor for little or no wages.  Unlike historical slavery, slaves today are not owned, but rather bought and sold through illegal, underground networks involving crime gangs, but also “mom & pop” operations and even members of families.  Estimates vary as to the number of modern-day slaves in the world; the International Labor Organization (ILO) puts the figure at — conservatively — 12.3 million, while recognized contemporary slavery expert Kevin Bales says upwards of 27 million are enslaved worldwide.  In the U.S. alone, around 14,000 – 17,000 people are trafficked each year, according to the State Dept.

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https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/obio4xnifp http://freedomcenter.org/freedom-forum/index.php/2010/01/january-11-kicks-international-human-trafficking-awareness-month/

Mothers Seek Justice for Murdered Children

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
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https://chemxtree.com/atq77zsd This is another in a series on people and events that shaped our communities in 2010. I don’t pretend to understand a parent’s pain upon losing a child. But I do know what their desperate hugs feel like. Over the years, I’ve met too many of these hurting mothers and fathers. And in 2010, two of the most memorable women came to me during the month of October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Both had lost beautiful children to men who resorted to murder because they couldn’t stand to lose what they thought were their possessions.

And both mothers came seeking justice.

Clonazepam Withdrawal Help Justin Boulay, the killer of Patricia Rosenberg’s 19-year-old daughter, Andrea, was getting out of prison in November after serving only 12 years for first-degree murder — and moving to Hawaii with the woman he married while incarcerated.

Riley, Gabriella Ghobrial’s 2-year-old son, had been killed by his own father in a murder-suicide five years ago in Gilberts after a Kane County judge awarded the dad visitation rights, despite Anthony Mangiamele’s repeated threats to harm their child.


https://www.varesewedding.com/l57wq1nx http://couriernews.suntimes.com/news/3056166-418/rosenberg-andrea-daughter-patricia-batavia.html

Rape of 10-YO Live Streamed

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
Jose Rodriquez-Hernandez_20101211182837_JPG

Police believe a man wanted for raping a ten-year-old live on the internet is hiding in Newport News

NEWPORT NEWS —The same day a 10-year-old girl told authorities Jose Hernandez had been molesting her and putting it on the internet, it appeared that he had skipped town for Texas.  However, Newport News Dectective, Dinah Balthis says the few tips they’ve received through the Crime Line place Hernandez in Hampton Roads. Det. Balthis says, “He’s a danger and threat to the community and any child out there.”

Rapes Spike New Year’s Day

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/egzmehv9 Get Ambien Online Close to 10% of rapes for the entire year are recorded New Year’s Day.

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/z3jp4tgzv FRESNO, CA– Fresno Police say they’re finishing the year with a total of 63 cases reported, which is a 20% drop compared to the year before. While the numbers are decreasing local rape counselors say sex crimes remain a big problem in the Central Valley. Fewer rape cases are a trend Fresno Police say is a positive sign their work to educate women is effective.

https://www.salernoformazione.com/1sz4vkuc Police Chief Jerry Dyer says of the rapes reported to officers in 2010, most victims were women who were under the influence. “The truth of the matter is of all of the rapes that we’ve had this year, the vast majority of them are by people they are acquainted with and the reason that they are taken advantage of in many of those circumstances is because alcohol and or drugs are involved.”

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Man Arrested For Multiple Child Rape Offenses

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

https://municion.org/x7h4m13 Michael Watkins

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/txgrxhng8e8 https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=2p03pxahu THOMASVILLE, N.C. — A Thomasville man was arrested Thursday and charged with statutory rape and other sex offenses against a child, police said.Michael Lee Watkins, 27, committed several statutory sex offenses with a child in November, according to a Davidson County Sheriff’s Office report.Watkins was arrested Thursday and charged with seven counts of statutory rape, seven counts of indecent liberties with a child and four counts of statutory sex offense.



Youth Football Coach Accused of Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/wle8s6gl3 Go to fullsize image

A former Bethlehem youth football coach accused of repeatedly raping a child was only caught because he was confronted about exposing himself to a different woman, authorities allege. https://www.plantillaslago.com/eovq6ra6i Jose Vazquez, 38, is awaiting trial for allegedly raping a girl between the ages of 8 and 16. The accuser, now 25, previously said she was raped so often she lost track of the total count. In court documents filed Thursday, prosecutors claim Vazquez was caught only after his wife learned from a different woman that Vazquez had exposed himself to her and demanded a sexual act.



Babysitter Held In 4-MO Baby’s Death

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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MONTROSE ?– When formal charges are filed against the woman accused of killing 4-month-old Angel Nieto, she could be looking at more serious allegations than the manslaughter warrant on which she was booked Thursday. Maria Zavala-Espinosa, 32, appeared in court Thursday on the felony-4 offense. The judge also told her that she could potentially be charged with child abuse resulting in death, a class-2 felony, or even first-degree murder, depending on what prosecutors decide. Espinosa is accused of inflicting non-accidental trauma on the baby boy, who she was babysitting on Oct. 7.



Convicted Child Abuser, Recently Released, Kills 3-MO Son

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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LAWRENCE — A Lawrence man who had failed to attend court-mandated parenting classes after being imprisoned for physically assaulting his infant daughter several years ago is accused of shaking his 3-month-old son to death this week, said the office of Essex District Attorney Jonathan W. Blodgett. Evidence in the death of Ambien Online Overnight Shipping Alexis Medina’s son, Alex, points to shaken-baby syndrome, according to hospital and police records. Authorities said the baby also suffered broken ribs.



Man Arrested For Sexually Assaulting 8-YO

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a case of child abuse against an 8-year-old girl. 62-year-old https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/kbp5yhy3 Salvador Fernandez of Fresno was arrested at his home late Christmas Eve on felony child abuse charges. Sheriff’s Deputies say they went to Community Regional Medical Center on Christmas Eve for reports of possible child abuse against an 8-year-old girl. The mother of the girl told deputies she had taken her daughter to the hospital after her daughter told her she had been assaulted by Fernandez.



Mother Arrested After Child Suffers 2nd-Degree Burns

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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A Jacksonville woman has been charged with assault inflicting serious bodily injury, and other charges, after authorities say she left her toddler in a tub of hot water. https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/hrle0rb Felicia Shonnta Bell, 32, of Hargett Street, was charged by the Jacksonville Police Department with assault inflicting serious bodily injury, misdemeanor child abuse, and contributing to delinquency of a juvenile. Bell is accused of allowing her 3-year-old to be left unattended in a bathtub with running hot water, resulting in child sustaining 2nd-degree burns, according to warrants.



Man Charged With Child Abuse, Assault & Kidnapping

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Detectives Believe Edward Colucci Tried To Break Kids “Will To Live”

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/tclsh9tk0jr Henderson, NV – Police say 33-year-old Edward Colucci didn’t just try to break his girlfriend’s two young sons physically, he also tried to break them emotionally. Colucci was arrested late last month, charged with child abuse, assault and kidnapping, after paramedics and police officers found his girlfriend’s 4-year-old son unconscious in the couple’s apartment. The child was suffering from severe malnutrition – so severe his hair was falling out. Dispatchers say that when the boys’ mother called 911 on November 23, she could be heard telling Colucci, “you went too far.” And she wasn’t fucking kidding. According to police, over the course of a few months, Colucci allowed the boy to eat nothing but dry ramen noodles, garlic cloves and onions. He reportedly spit in the child’s water. When the child’s mother made eye contact with the boy, Colucci reportedly viewed it as showing “too much affection” and punished the kid by punching or kicking him. Police say Colucci bit the boy’s nose, sprayed glass cleaner in his eyes and forced him to eat his own vomit.


Sexual Abuse/Trauma Info

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Dreamcatchers For Abused Children

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/jia1g0w4 Many people have a limited understanding of the causes, prevention, and impacts of childhood sexual abuse, probably because it’s still a taboo subject in our culture; as are other sexual and abuse related topics.

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There are many different kinds of abusers, and it’s not clear why people molest children. What’s been found in recent research is an overwhelming majority of people guilty of child molesting, were molested themselves. We used to think this statistic was much smaller, but with more detailed research, we’ve discovered this statistic to be very high. Statistics involving men in New Jersey prisons convicted of sexual abuse, found that over 95% of the men, were in fact abused themselves. And we don’t know, but it could be that the 5% of non-abused men in that case don’t remember being abused as children; they may have amnesia or a traumatic dissociation.. Some abuse may be the attempt to relive one’s own abuse, with power roles reversed. Another reason may be these people have learned that abuse is a way of feeling in control. Fundamentally, in all cases of abuse, it certainly is about power and control.



Child Abuse Facts & Statistics

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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Every 6 hours a child dies in the United States due to abuse or neglect

Child abuse is an American epidemic. In 2005, more than 3.5 million children were reported as victims of child abuse or neglect. The staggering truth is that before today is over, four children will DIE because their little bodies cannot bear any more abuse.

Child abuse kills more children in America than accidental falls, choking on food, suffocation or fires in the home. It is sad to reflect on how many innocent and vulnerable children are living in homes where abuse is a routine part of life. The statistics tell the heartbreaking tale…



Father, Son Murdered Children

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

CINCINNATI — A father and son are both jailed in Hamilton County, each charged with killing children. https://www.scarpellino.com/0fww71plsqw Christopher Dangerfield, 48, is accused of killing his son, 3-year-old Tyrese Short.Short died Tuesday. Dangerfield’s attorney said the boy slipped in the bathtub and hit his head.Dangerfield was being held on $500,000 bond.An adult son of Dangerfield is also facing charges in connection with a child’s death. https://hazenfoundation.org/6f2sdqlf Loinell Dangerfield was charged in connection with the death of 3-month-old Zhi Binford in May. Binford was his girlfriend’s daughter.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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