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Archive for October, 2010

Child’s Injuries Resembled That of a Car Crash Victim

Posted by Sandra On October - 30 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
(c) CN Group

THE trial of a man accused of assaulting a child has been told the youngster’s injuries resembled that of a car crash victim. The child suffered swelling of the brain and internal head bleeding after allegedly being attacked by 25-year-old Christopher David Newton in Barrow. The evidence was given by radiologist Dr Winston St Clair Forbes yesterday at Newton’s trial at Preston Crown Court. Dr Forbes, who helped treat the youngster at Manchester Royal Children’s Hospital, said: “These were absolutely serious injuries and the abnormal swelling would be considered, in my experience, as life threatening.



4-Yr Old Girl Died from Neglect Weighing Only 18-Lbs

Posted by Sandra On October - 30 - 2010 3 COMMENTS

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A 4-year-old Brooklyn girl who weighed 18 pounds when she was found dead last month had toxic levels of antihistamines in her system, the city’s chief medical examiner’s office said on Friday in ruling the death a homicide. The office said the girl, Marchella Pierce, died of “child abuse syndrome with acute drug poisoning, blunt impact injuries, malnutrition and dehydration,” according to a statement issued by the office.

The drugs found in her body were diphenhydramine and desloratadine, said Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner’s office. Each drug is marketed under many names, including Benadryl for diphenhydramine and Clarinex for desloratadine. The term child abuse syndrome means that the abuse occurred over a period of time and was not a one-time occurrence, Ms. Borakove said.



Man Dumped Boiling Water On Toddler’s Face As She Slept

Posted by Sandra On October - 30 - 2010 1 COMMENT

Police: Man Dumped Boiling Water On Toddler’s Face As She Slept

Evansville, IN – A toddler girl was seen in the hospital early Friday morning suffering from second- and third-degree burns to her face, neck and shoulders, and according to police, her mother’s boyfriend is responsible for the injuries. Authorities claim 28-year-old Kyle Hankins poured boiling water on the child’s face as she slept. The child’s mother, Krystal Lockridge, told police Kyle showed up at her apartment at about 10:00 Thursday evening – the couple spent about an hour together before Krystal fell asleep with her other two children. At about 2:00 a.m., she woke to the sound of 2-year-old Kayleigh screaming. Krystal said she found her daughter sitting in a chair in the living room with burns on her face.



Halloween Safety Guide

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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Anytime a child has an accident, it’s tragic. Having your child get hurt any day of the year would be horrible but the last thing that you want to happen is for your child to be hurt on a holiday, like Halloween! It would forever live in the minds of the child and family, ruining that special time of year.Everyone wants to have a safe and happy Halloween for themselves, their guests and their children. Using safety tips and some common sense can help you make the most of your Halloween season, keeping it as enjoyable for your kids as it is for you! There are lots of simple ways to keep your child safe at Halloween, when accidents and injuries are more likely to occur.



Pedophile Priest Receives 21-Yrs

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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A pedophile former priest who fled to the United States in 1985 has been jailed for 21 years for campaign of sexual abuse against young boys in the west Midlands which began in the 1950s. A jury at Birmingham Crown Court deliberated for around six hours before unanimously convicting 73-year-old James Robinson, who was extradited from California last year to face trial. The former Roman Catholic priest, who worked in the Black Country, Staffordshire, Birmingham and Coventry after being ordained in 1971, simply stared at the jury foreman as he was found guilty of 21 sexual offences.



Mom Charged With Assault, Abuse on 6-Week-Old Son

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
SUFFOLK —A Suffolk woman has been arrested and charged with aggravated assault and felony child abuse after her 6-week-old son was found to have multiple broken bones. Danielle Lynn Holland, a 21-year-old woman with four children, is being held at Western Tidewater Regional Jail. Child Protective Services is investigating, and city spokeswoman Debbie George said the other three children have been removed from the residence.

Missing Las Vegas Teen’s Skeletal Remains Found

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 2 COMMENTS

Skeletal Remains Found In Louisiana Identified As Those Of Missing Las Vegas Girl

Las Vegas, NV – The skeletal remains found by hunters in Louisiana earlier this month have been identified as those of a 12-year-old girl from Las Vegas missing since September. Lexis Kaye Roberts was last seen with her mother, 31-year-old Suellen Roberts, and her boyfriend of two months, 53-year-old Thomas Steven Sanders. They had taken a Labor Day road trip to Arizona to visit the Bearizona Wildlife Park in Arizona. Police know that the trio made it there as they signed into their hotel room and surveillance footage captures them entering the wildlife park.



Man In Federal Court on Child Porn Charges

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 1 COMMENT

LAS CRUCES – A 38-year-old Doña Ana man made his first appearance in federal court Tuesday to face accusations of making and trafficking in child pornography. If convicted, Juan Larry Barela Jr. faces between five years and life in prison and a lifetime of supervised release. Barela’s alleged online activity was discovered the morning of July 25 by New Mexico State Police Online Predator Unit officers, who are able to track the trading of child pornography by looking for unique and unchangeable digital signatures associated with known images and movies of child sex abuse.



Man Raped 3-Yr Old Toddler

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS


Colorado Springs police said a man sexually assaulted a 3-year-old girl, and now they are asking for your help.Police said 22-year-old Wilson Chilel-Lopez sexually assaulted the girl Monday at an apartment complex near Chapel Hills Mall. Now police are worried Lopez may have been preying on the children at the complex for a while. Police wont release a lot of details about the case, but they hope more victims come forward so they can add them to the charges against Lopez. “We do have reason to believe he could have other victims out there,” Colorado Springs Police Sgt. Steve Noblitt said.



Catholic School Being Sued Over Preschooler Molestation

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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A South Florida Catholic School may have to pay for the sins of one of its former employees after a mom filed a lawsuit claiming sexual abuse of her son. The unnamed woman claims Miguel Leonardo Cala, a former music and preschool teacher at St. Andrews Catholic School in Coral Springs, fondled her child during private music lessons for almost a year from 2009 until August. Cala, 37, worked at the school for 10 years. The lawsuit claims the music teacher used his position at the parish to gain his victims’ parents’ trust and then sexual abused them. The lawsuit also names the church and the Archdiocese of Miami.



Man Charged With New Child Sex Offense

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

A Stanley man facing charges that he sexually abused children from two separate families is now facing a new allegation that he assaulted another child. William R. Starck, 27,  was charged Friday with first degree sexual assault of a child for allegedly having sexual contact with a child who was age three at the time, in April 2010. The charge is based on an investigation by the Chippewa Valley Child Advocacy Center in Eau Claire, which interviewed the child on Oct. 12. The child described Strack displaying  his genitals to the child and having the  child touch them.



Young Children Seen In Dominatrix Sex Tape

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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FOND DU LAC- A video found by accident reportedly shows children present at a dominatrix sex party. Now, Fond du Lac police want to know who’s responsible and where the children are. When a woman found a videotape in her ex-boyfriend’s belongings, she popped it in the VCR. What she found was shocking: several adults participating in an S & M sex party. Then, the camera pans over to show two toddlers watching. “It’s very disturbing. The concern is about the kids here and their welfare and what they were exposed to,” said Capt. Steve Klein of the Fond du Lac Police Department.



Jane Fonda’s Mom Was Sexually Abused

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 1 COMMENT

Jane Fonda was left floored when she discovered her late mother had been sexually abused as a child while reviewing her life at 59. The movie icon became a detective as she attempted to piece together the ‘puzzle’ of her life as she approached her 60th year and one piece of information she found in her mother Frances Seymour Brokaw’s health records helped her to understand why the socialite was the way she was and why she took her own life when the actress was 12. In a candid TV interview with Oprah Winfrey, which aired in America on Wednesday, Fonda explains, “(I was) interviewing people… (but) both my parents were dead – that’s why it’s good to do it early enough. Always interview your parents separately, so the scenario that they’re used to telling isn’t gonna be the same. And be sure to ask about abuse – one in three women have been sexually abused as children and no one ever talks about it.



13-Yr Old Recalls Horrific Family Slaughter

Posted by Sandra On October - 27 - 2010 1 COMMENT

Two brothers tearfully recounted for a Dallas County jury Tuesday how their stepfather forced them to look at the dead bodies of their slain mother and little sister. The boys’ emotional testimony came in the capital murder trial of Gary Green, 39, where they also told jurors that they persuaded their mother’s husband not to kill them, too. Green is accused of killing Lovetta Armstead and her 6-year-old daughter, Jazzmen Montgomery, at their south Oak Cliff home in September 2009. As they see their mother lying on the floor, “we just fall on our knees and start crying,” the older boy, now 13, told jurors.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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