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Archive for June, 2010

Soccer coach guilty of raping player

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2010 2 COMMENTS

A former girls soccer coach from Duxbury was found guilty Monday of raping one of his 15-year-old players who was at his house for a sleepover with his daughter in 2004.

Following a five-day trial in Brockton Superior Court, a jury found Jose M. Arana guilty of rape of a child with force and two counts of indecent assault and battery of a person over the age of 14.



Retired doctor charged with raping girl

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

PHILADELPHIA (CBS/AP) In addition to hosting underage parties fueled by alcohol and drugs, a 61-year-old retired doctor is accused of raping one of the 16-year-old party-goers at gunpoint.

A judge ruled Friday that there was enough evidence to charge Tawfik Nakishbendi with unlawful contact with a minor, unlawful restraint, recklessly endangering another person, and possession of an instrument of crime.

The Philadelphia-area man the teens referred to as “Sugar Daddy” was arrested Thursday after police received an anonymous tip earlier this month regarding a man providing drugs and alcohol to teens in exchange for sex, reports Philly.com.



Man Pleads Guilty To Raping 11-Yr-Old In Abandoned House

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS


PITTSBURGH– A Greenfield man has pleaded guilty to abducting and raping an 11-year-old girl as she walked home from school last year.Clyde Haidle, 47, was arrested in May 2009, just hours after he grabbed the victim after she got off of her school bus and dragged her into an abandoned home on Ivondale Street.



56-yr old man arrested on child rape charge

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

A McMinnville man was arrested Friday on charges that he sexually abused a girl who is about 13 years old, according to McMinnville police.

Richard Wallace Werner, 56, of 641 N.E. Fourth St. was charged with second-degree rape, second-degree sodomy and using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct. He was booked into Yamhill County jail on $450,000 bail.



Irish parents want right to smack their children

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

A state funded survey has revealed that a third of Irish parents believe they should have the right to smack their children.

The study, Parenting Styles and Discipline: Parent’s and Chidren’s Perspectives, was funded by the Minister for Children’s office.

It found that 25% of respondents hit their children in the previous year and fathers were more inclined to support the legal smacking of children.



Priest removed in Italy after confessing to child abuse

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

June 29 (IANS/AKI) A 74-year-old priest has been removed from his position in northern Italy after confessing he sexually abused minors.

Alois Kranebitter, parish priest in the Alto Adige region’s Bolzano-Brixen diocese, will no longer be allowed to celebrate mass in public and will be obliged to live in a place where he has no contact with children, the diocese said in a statement.



Child Abuse Memoir

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
Author, BlogTalk Radio Host, Child Abuse, Human & Animal Rights Advocate Laurie Ann Smith

These days, all we have to do is pick up a newspaper or turn on the television and we are instantly invited into people’s lives surfacing around bad marriages, cheating and abusive spouses, alcohol and drug addiction. But what happens when these addictions are the reality of your own life?

Seven months ago, I was introduced to an amazing woman named Laurie Ann Smith. Laurie was different than any other woman I have ever met. For such a quiet, small framed woman, she had this will, drive and determination that could move mountains.



WA: Human trafficking booming

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
Human trafficking in the form of sex slaves and unpaid workers is now recognized as a booming crime element in the Washington area.

5-Yr-Old Girl’s Throat Slashed by Stepfather

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

LAKE CUSHMAN, Wash. — An argument about disciplining a child led to the fatal slashing of the girl’s throat and the arrest of the victim’s stepfather, Mason County sheriff’s deputies said.Police said the 5-year-old girl was killed at a rental home near Lake Cushman, west of Hoodsport, Sunday, where the family from Abbotsford, B.C., was vacationing.



Man kidnaps 9-yr old from her bed & assaults her

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Police: Man Takes Sleeping Child From Her Own Bed, Sexually  Assaults Her

Hartsville, SC – According to police, at about 12:40 Friday morning, Dearl James Douglas, boogeyman extraordinaire, crept into a family’s home after removing a screen from a bedroom window. Once inside the home, Dearl found his way to the bedroom of a 9-year-old girl. He reportedly picked up the sleeping child and carried her into another room where he attempted to remove her clothing.



Police Say Man Suffocated Toddler, Shoved Screw Down Her Throat

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2010 24 COMMENTS

Police Say Man Suffocated Toddler, Shoved Screw Down Her Throat
McAllen, TX – EMT’s responded to Hector Castro’s apartment Saturday evening after receiving a call about a child who had choked on a screw. There was little anyone could do for his toddler stepdaughter – she was dead when emergency personnel arrived. The 2-year-old did have a screw in her throat, but an initial examination of  her body revealed the item had absolutely nothing to do with her death – she had been beaten and suffocated.



Korea considering chemical castration for child rapists

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2010 1 COMMENT

A bill to force convicted child sex offenders to undergo chemical castration will be put to a vote at the Legislation and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly today, lawmakers said yesterday.

The legislation’s move came after a recent series of sexual assaults on underage victims, including one in Seoul on Saturday, triggered public fear of child molesters.



ALERT: Child rapist vanishes

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

A CHILD rapist with a horrific 36-year record has vanished and is posing “significant risk”, police warned yesterday.

William Paden, 56, is wanted for recall to jail after he quit his registered address in Blackpool.

The paedophile has 19 sexual convictions dating back to 1974, including rape, indecently assaulting a girl, assault with intent to rape and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.


Life Without Parole

Posted by Sandra On June - 28 - 2010 1 COMMENT

Keeping Kids Safe: Majority Mandates Life Without Parole For Child Killers

The Senate Democratic Majority passed some of the strongest laws in the country making those responsible for the intentional death of a child punishable to the very fullest extent of the law th life without the opportunity for parole.
(Media-Newswire.com) – The Senate Democratic Majority passed some of the strongest laws in the country making those responsible for the intentional death of a child punishable to the very fullest extent of the law – life without the opportunity for parole.

The Majority’s legislation, the Child Protection Act of 2010 ( S7705/Hassell-Thompson ) establishes the class A-I felony of aggravated murder of a child; under this charge the sentence is life imprisonment without parole.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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