20 Signs of Unresolved Trauma
http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/img/qufagedak/ Many people enter the therapy process with minimal awareness of their trauma history. When the trauma survivors are dissociative, they have the ability to block out an awareness of their trauma. They may know that their family had problems, or that their family was dysfunctional, etc, but they may believe they were never abused.
https://regenamex.com/uokflzi However, blocking out conscious awareness of trauma does not mean that the survivors have no effects of that trauma. Using denial and dissociative skills does not mean that the abuse did not happen. Denial means that the person simply is refusing to acknowledge or accept the fact that they were traumatized. They are pretending they were not hurt, when they were actually hurt very badly.
Buy Clonazepam Without Prescription Even if the memories of abuse are hidden from the survivor’s awareness, blocked trauma / unresolved trauma creates very noticeable and obvious symptoms that can be easily seen in their every day lives. People will enter therapy aware of some of the following symptoms, but they may not realize these complications are suggestive of unresolved trauma issues: READ MORE HERE
https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/758hy01r679 (PHOTO: This powerful photo of emotional pain and inner turmoil was taken by Shaylin Janelle photography. http://shaylinjanelle.tumblr.com )